Join Our Waist Length Hair in 2 Years Challenge

Waist Length in 2 Years Challenge Guidelines

* End date to reach waist length is April 5th, 2012

* For this to be a feasible goal for you, it's best that your starting length is at least shoulder length stretched (and that from there you have about 12 in or less till you hit WL)

* Don't think you'll make WL in 2 years and still want to join? You can still join :D Just state what your goal length will be.

* Share your plan of action to attain this goal (it doesn't have to be set in stone or "permanent" as I'm sure some things may change as your hair gets longer)

* Progress updates will be submitted and posted every 4 months (starting from this April) so first update will
   be in August.

* Progress updates will entail a length check pic (can be a straightened or stretched hair shot) and brief
      summary of what you are doing/trying and what you are learning.

Leave a comment to join. For those who want to, email me at with "Waist Length Hair Challenge" in the subject, your starting pics and progress pics every 4 months to share. I am no longer accepting pics for this but everyone is still welcome to join (and leave their updates and comments in the updates posts or do updates on their respective blogs and/or hair albums and link back to the challenge here). If you submitted pics before May 2010, your entry pic  and your update pics will be posted throughout the challenge.

Tomorrow, I'll share my plan of action (my starting pics will come soon as well) to accomplish this.



Unknown said…
Definitely a great idea..I am joining
pulchri2dinous said…
I'm in! I plan to do mostly protective styles (yarn braids/twists, cornrows and regular twists) and moisturizing twice daily. Do what my hair tells me and keep it simple. These are the only things that I will definitely do. Otherwise... No clue! I can't post a starting pic, because I'll be in yarn braids until the end of the month!
Milan said…
Yay! We've got 2 takers!

That's ok pulchri2dinous. You can just submit a pic for the first progress update in August then. :D
Anonymous said…
I'm definitely in on this challenge, this should be so fun! I'll send you some starter pics this week :)
MissBrandiss said…
Milan, I'll give it a try!
That will mean NO PUFFS for me because thats my lazy style and causes me soooo many knots and tangles.

I also need to cut off like 1-1.5 inches because my ends are damaged (like knots and splits and bubbles on single strands, UGH!!), and I'd rather not deal with them while trying to grow my hair long and healthy. Hopefully after that. I will be 12 inches from WL.

I dont even know if my hair grows that fast! But I guess I'll see.

So my official start date will probably be the 10th. And hopefully I can remember to send you a starting pic on Saturday before I do my 1st PS.
Anonymous said…
This sounds like fun! I'm in too. I think I going to stick to all natural hair products and definitely more protective styles. I'll love to watch everyone else's progress.
Noreen said…
I'm in! I have a TWA at the moment, so I'll be going for Armpit length by April 5th, 2012. Protective styling will be my staple, along with moisturizing my scalp. I'm looking for healthy growth with minimal breakage!
Naturally Flyy said…
I'll join but not sure if I'll make it. My hair is shoulder length though. So where do I post beginning pic at or do i wait until August? Also, waist length I'm assuming when hair is straightened?
Milan said…
Yay more takers! Welcome ladies! This should be fun. :D

Naturally Flyy, you can send your starting length pic to me at and I'll post it here.
Milan said…
To answer your other question Naturally Flyy, yes, waist length when your hair is straightened.
Anonymous said…
I want to join but Im already in my protective style!
Chrissystina said…
This is exciting!!!I'm a little past bra strap now, so this will be fun to see if I can do it.

Protective styles five days out of the week minimum;
NO wash n'gos!
I need to stop trimming my ends every week.
Drinking way more water
Investing in a quality multivitamin
I'm in! I'm already in a protective style though. But I measured my hair on April 4th and it's 11-13 inches. I have 5-7 inches to go.
Tiffany said…
Shoot, why not. I'm in too. My plan: Twists, Twist and mo twists. Minimal Pooing. Lots O' Moisture! I will send a pic.
Unknown said…
I definitly want to join this challenge! i wear alot of protective styles already so i hope this will be plan is to moisturize my ends more, scalp massages, exercise more becuz that helps blood flow and drink more water and take vitamins!my hair is up right now but next take down ill send length pix.
Mop Top Maven said…
I am in!! :D Lets do this ladies!!!
Lady Jaye said…
I might attempt it. My hair is about 4 inches now, so I can for shoulder length by the end of two years...
I'll post a picture once my hair's out of the braids at the end of the month....errr...where do we post said pic again?
Loritt said…
Count me in! This should be interesting!
RA3ofSUNSH1NE said…
I just posted my hair mission today on my blog and then I came across your blog. I'm in...I was just going for bra-strap length because that's the longest my hair has ever been but I like the way you think!! Good luck everyone!!
Unknown said…
I'm in...I definitely would like to attain at least MBL hair if not waist length.

How I'll attain this?

*Protective Styling my hair 99% of the time in twists/plaits/yarn braids and maybe I'll venture into a curly weave for once.

*Moisturizing my hair properly with products that work for my hair.

*Protecting it at night..tying it down with a silk/satin scarf and always making sure the ends are hidden and protected before sleep..and moisturized.

*Trim as needed.

*Have fun.. :)
Anonymous said…
i'll join. my hair is just short of bra strap length. i just got a trim so my ends are fresh. and i finally found my perfect product combo. so happy growing...
as far as a plan of action
wash weekly or as needed
trim quarterly or as needed
protective styles in fall and winter
exercise 3-4 times a week
YAY! Just what I need! I'm at APL and doing protective styles like bunning/weaves/ect every day.
DeeDee Louise said…
this sounds like a really good idea, i don't want WL hair but i would like to see how long my hair can grow within a 2 year gap, i'll join
Timberly said…
I'm IN! I don't think I'll get waist length so my goal is bra strap length. I don't really have a plan. I just want to make sure I deep condition my hair at least once every 2 weeks. Keep my hair moisturized. Sleep with something on my hair. Basically keep up what I've been doing.
Sarah said…
I'd like to join, but I don't have any way of uploading photos :(

I'll try and take part in a nice, lurk-y way ^_^
Christine said…
Yay I'm in. I'm past my shoulder but I still have the goal of it being at my waist! I'll send in pics of my hair now tonight. This is a great idea!! I am doing a series of no heat looks on my page. Ways to help the growing process but still looking good!
Niki Tasha said…
Milan count me in...this is the perfect motivation for me to stay on top of my haircare.
Niki Tasha said…
I am def in this one. I am currently shoulder length when stretched and am excited to see what growth I can get within 2 years.
This is great incentive to stay on top of my haircare goals and STAY FOCUSED!
thanks Milan..will send pics in the a.m.
Skeeta said…
I'm def in. I'm not at shoulder length yet but Ill aim for 12 inches from where I am now!
Unknown said…
I'm joining and will post my journey on my blog. Hoping by the end of the year to reach WL.
Missmeteor said…
I'm joining!! I'm APL but not full yet. I need this challenge so I can push myself, I've been slacking.
I'll be protective styling and low manipulating to retain the length.
Kaymarie said…
count me in, this is something i def need!!!! good luck everyone!!!
BentaMaya said…
Sounds good to me would love to join- Natural all my life started wearing hair straight in "08". I am going to stop the straighting and continue with my protective styles to reach my
mid-back goal

Happy Hair care to all :D
Whitney said…
I would love to join! Right now, my hair is almost past my shoulder blades when stretched but having waist-length natural hair would be awesome!! :D I'll send you a starting pic ASAP.
YankeeNaija said…
I'm in as well. not sure how to upload a picture(s) of my hair. My current length is shoulder length. My "regimen" is moisturize with oil, twice a day, concentrating on the ends and washing once every two weeks. This is exciting.
Jae Manolo said…
I am soooo a part of this! Waist-length hair...let's get it! =)
Nellybly18 said…
I def wanna be a part of this! My reg will include cowashing every wk, washing twice a month, and deep conditioning every wk.
I will also be box braiding my hair every other month and keeping them in my hair for 3wks to a month.
I hope this works, lol!
Nellybly18 said…
I will email you my pics :)
I'm in.

1. No Wash and goes--or atleast use them for emergencies only.

2. Trim ends every three months to get rid of the knots that I've accumulated from doing way too many wash and goes.

3. Keep my hair stretched or twists.

4. Henna every four to six weeks.

5. Find protective hairstyles that make me feel fierce and fabulous. --There is no point in having WL hair if you can't rock it as hard as shoulder length hair, right?

6. Drink 2 liters of water a day and take vitamins as directed.

I'll email a pic soon. Now I'm off to henna and trim.
LaBoheme said…
okay I'm in...I'm actually about 14 inches (from nape measurement but not from the top...layers...mullet in effect) from waist, so I'm behind but hey... I need this! Thanks! :D
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
I'm in but I am a relaxed gal...If that matters.
Stick said…
Well I am most definitely in...

Realistically I don't think waist length will happen for me, so I am aiming for my breasts... If I can grow my hair that long then I will be a happy girl!!!

YAAAY (i'm excited!!)
Anonymous said…
I'm with you -- I'm taking out my micros today and measuring my stretched hair -- I was at 7 inches (front) and 9 inches (crown) last September, so I'm positive that I'm over 12 inches now; just haven't measured it. So I'm down! Love your blog; you've taught me a WHOLE lot! Thanks for sharing so unselfishly, sister.
Anonymous said…
Hey! Im new to this natural thing, Im currently transitioning and plan to for about 18month to 2 years so Im def down for this challenge! My hair it just at the top of my shoulders. I have no clue what my regimin will be, so for now im just going to wing it! Ive been transitioning now for about 2 months, not very long lol so if anyone has any tip, pass them on!!!! Lets see if I can at least half way meet the challenge! LETS GO!!
Blairb. said…
I would definitely like to be apart of it!

I really would just like my hair to just be about BSL by 2012, and hopefully to my collar bone by my college graduation in May '11. It is just grazing my shoulders right now. I have been transitioning since August 09 (1 year coming up.!) and its been a crazy, fun journey ever since.

I plan to do more protective styles (mostly buns), cut shampoo out, take note of what I put in my body, moisturize, and be more content with where my hair is now. Also, to gain a better sense of listening to what my hair needs and to not be nervous of breaking hair habits.

I LOVE your blog by the way, hair posts and non-hair posts. It's really inspiring me to keep transitioning.!
true2me said…
I am new to your blog and just saw the challenge. I would love to join the challenge of growing waist length hair by April 2012. My last relaxer was Oct.08 and I transitioned by wearing hair weaves. I am wearing my natural hair out for the first time this summer because I wanted o learn how to take care of my natural hair. I am still learning about hair types and products.

So far I am using mane and tail shampoo and conditioner, shea butter, olive oil, coconut oil, and castor oil.
My hair length in the back has reached my shoulders but the front is probably to my ears. I would to continue my journey to find out what works best for my hair and growing out my edges which has thinned out from wearing glue (quick weaves), and sew ins.
LouLou said…
Checking in. I'm now at 11.5-13.5 inches. Not much progress made since April though. Oh well progress is progress. Need another 4.5- 6.5 inches
Reale said…
I understand that it is kinda late in the game but I wold really like to be a part of this.
Belle said…
I know that I am late to this challenge and new to the blog but I would like to join this challenge. I've decided to go natural and it seems as the though this challenge would be good for me. I'm going to need help and support along the way. I hope that I can get that here because I would GREATLY appreciate it. I'm aiming for BSL/mid-back length.

I will use or do:
Oil, moisturize and condition my hair regularly
No heat
Protective styles
Natural products
No wash n go
Anonymous said…
I would be interested in joining this challenge also. Currently my hair is BS length and my ultimate goal is WL as well. Please let me know if it's too late to join this challenge, Thanks!!! :)
Anonymous said…
I am going to join as well. I am super sad that you are not expecting anymore pics. That is what I get for procrastinating. I have past shoulder hair now when I strecth it in it natural state. Don't know how long it is straigthen. I have a routine but it is super long so I will do it on an update. Thanks for the challenge I can wait. Please expect more pics in the future. :-)
Maliha said…
I almost have shoulder length hair about 2 1/2 to 3 inches to go i am going to try this but instead of waist length by 2012 im gonna do mid back length below the braw along with my little sister who is nine... good luck for us and to all who is going to do so yay.
Anonymous said…
I would like to join. My goal will be waist length...I plan to keep my hair in protective styles and only detangle w/ wide tooth and denman when I wash.

I plan to wash no more than once a week and I will straighten my hair every four months to give you the update on my progress :)
Anonymous said…
I want to join, my goal is bsl
njoyable said…
I want to join the challenge. I hope it's not too late! My goal is shoulder length. Just because I just started and I plan on doing the bc within the next 6 months or so or more...who knows. But I would love to step up to the plate, it would really keep me focused on my goal.

Right now my method is:
ACV (apple cider vinegar)

It could change up, but this is it for now! :)
Unknown said…
I hope I'm not to late to join. I've been natural for a very long time, however i never really "took care" of my hair. So i'll love to see how it responds once i start putting in the effort.
Ronica Reddick said…
I'm late but I'd like to jump on board. My start date will be September 1st. I'm currently at APL and my goal will be to get as close to WL as possible in the remaining time for the challenge.
Arnetta Gilmore said…
This is my first day on this site. But I'm so in. My Goal is 6-4 inches above my waist, since I'm already 5 months behind. Even still that sounds like a winner for me. I'm just getting into protective styles & learning what my hair likes. I think I found the right hair care regimen for me. Thank you for not being ashamed of the hair God gave you. I'll upload a pic in Dec to show the progress.
Unknown said…
Just viewed the blog. Definitely going all the way with everybody else. My goal will just be shoulder length. I will keep tabs with pics on my own. Wishing everyone healthy ends and plentiful growth!
Mika2Mommy said…
I stopped perming my hair June 9th 2007 when I found out I was PregO with my daughter and have been natrual every since, If I can figure out why my hair stopped growing after it barely passed my shoulders I'm in the group...count me in.
KaLena said…
I'm definitely entering - this is an awesome idea!
I'm right behind ya KaLena..! I'm in too! Right now, I'm 4 inches from BSL...I was shocked when I straightened it last month and found this out.
Aamira said…
i started this journey before i even realized it existed. I got my last perm in April 2010, cut off 4 inches of perm in August 2010, grew 4 inches since April to October which is more than average and Im on a quest to long natural beautifully curly hair by the net two years when im 19.

Yay this is great. IM in

im above shoulder but i still want to grow over 12 inches in thenext two years
Immanuela said…
I'm in! I was extremely bold about 15 months ago and grew my hair about an inch before chopping off all the relaxed hair - yikes! It's grown quite a lot now... it was about 10 inches but I ruined it a bit this year with pick and drop/ micro braid styles (my hair was too long for it so my natural hair ends would get tangled.) I think 12 inches in 2 years is reasonable, though that would be about 2/3 way down my back. I'm going to do twist outs/ braid outs, leaving the ends of my hair not twisted/braided. I will also do braid extensions but with smoother products such as Model Model At a Glance, as they don't get tangled/stuck when I'm taking them out. Finally, I will be using Africa's Best Super Gro daily and GroHealthy Growth Oil twice daily as they work best for me so far. I'll wrap my hair in a strip of silk and see what happens!

Current length: 8 inches (taken from bottom left side of my head)
LoveZaporiah said…
I'm so in. I'm armpit length when stretched. I want to try and put my hair in twists and buns for a good part of the next two years. I'm also staying away from heat for the next year.
MrsB said…
I'm just not at shoulder length. So I'm gonna try!!! My 5 year old daughter is at what would be bra length for an adult. Gonna see how much growth I can get her as well.
Anonymous said…
LOL, well, I'm obviously joining the challenge a little late but I'm all in! I'm 4a, currently MBL/APL (mid-back length at the longest, arm pit length at the shortest). My hair grows pretty slowly, and I'm terrible about keeping my hair moisturized and keeping my ends protected. But I've been waist-length before, and am ready to grow my hair back out and even it out! I use Dawn and T-gel to wash hair and scalp (about once a month), whatever conditioner is on hand to cowash (2-3 times weekly), olive oil or Wild Growth on my ends, and shea butter as sealant. Wish me luck :) I wish you ladies the same!
Toyaruth said…
I am late....I am at the bottom of necklength with 8" strands at my nape and 6.75" strands at my edges and 7" strands at my crown...I am looking to gain 4" by April 2012. I want 10" (edges), 11" (crown), and 12" (nape)strands by then. I plan to achieve this by taking my vitamins, M & S daily, deep conditioning weekly, and protective styling
Unknown said…
I've already got waist length hair... well the bottom layer. My goal is to have the rest (about to my bra strap) to get there before August so I can get layers like Miley Cyrus.. Or hopefully August. I'll be happy if I can do it before next April.
YankeeNaija said…
I made it to BSL. Working my way to waist length. wondering what I'll do w/ all that hair???!!!