I really think I should just start a DC/Hair Treatments series, huh? LOL. It’s amazing all the different ways and ingredients you can use to do various DC’s/HTs. I absolutely luv the variety and “excitement” in it. I promise you, once you understand good hair care, it’s so much fun playing around with diff treatments, ingredients, oils, styles, etc. So the latest DC is the Olive and Honey Treatment. But I decided to experiment. My new favorite DC ingredient is yogurt. So, I added yogurt (the same non-fat yogurt that I used for the coconut cream natural relaxer. I’m using it up.) to the mix and TJ Tea Tree Tingle conditioner, avocado oil, grape seed oil, castor oil and EVOO. I wanted to add a lot more honey so that I could lighten my hair some but I only had about a 1/3 of a cup left and didn’t feel like heading to the store to buy more. Next time, I will. So I mixed everything up and applied to my hair from root to tip with an applicator brush. No hair was left un-DC’d. Then I wrapped saran wrap around my head and put on a plastic cap. I let it sit for about 2 hours, rinsed and cleansed with my castile soap mix. Then I finished up with an ACV rinse and air dried with KBB Hair Milk and sealed with castor oil and KBB Hair Cream.
Here’s the recipe I created:
Yogurt – maybe like 3 to 4 heaping Tbsp
1 Tbsp EVOO
1 Tbsp Castor oil
1 Tbsp Avocado oil
1 Tbsp Grape seed oil
1/3 cup (guesstimate) Honey
A lil TJ Tea Tree Tingle conditioner
First of all, this is a lil on the messy side. Although, I think if I would have used more conditioner, it would have been thicker therefore, less runny, therefore less messy. Oh well. Ya live and ya learn. I know for next time.
My hair feels DIVINE though. I luuuuuurve yogurt man. As soon as I rinsed it, I instantly felt my kurls n koils were seriously defined. To heck with loosening them. I’m luvin all this kurl definition! And my hair is uber soft, light and fluffy again.
I’m getting all the DC’ing in b/c I’m getting braided back up next week for a bit. I’m havin too much fun, people.