When I find sites beneficial to the kinky-kurly-koily manes, I must share them! So adding on to the Kurly Girl Directory. Sites to check out:
Keep It Kinky: I luv this chica's site b/c it's loaded with dope natural hairstyle pics and tutorials! I can't wait to try loads of them once my hair is long enough or when I'm rocking individual braids. If you ever get bored with your hair, check out this site to become re-inspired. It so dispells the myth that your "style options are limited with natural hair".
Pretty Dimples01's YouTube Channel: She provides great tutorials on how to do all kinds of fly hairstyles. Once again, can't wait to try them once my hair is long enough. She creates so many haute ones!
Kinnks Online Directory: The name says it all. It's an online directory compiled of various resources for natural hair including site recommendations, natural hair blogs- we are on there!, articles, etc.
That's all for now. To see the very first Kurly Girl Directory post, scroll down on the right side and select the Hot Topic "Kurly Girl Directory". Lataz gataz.