It's been about 1 year since a relaxer last touched my hair and 5 months (going on 6!) since my BC. Funny how time flies, right? It's so crazy. So, a recap of 10 things (in no specific order) to add to all that I have learned along my journey so far:
1) Henna glosses are the ish: strengthen, smooth, thicken, moisturize, and add shine to my situation
2) Try your hand at making your own conditioning gel. You might like the results better than what's on the store shelves
3) Detangling in sections is the truth (pre-pooing with some oils and aloe vera gel helps make detangling a lot easier too)
4) I did kinky twists on my hair a couple days ago, by myself (pics coming soon)! They came out pretty good. Practice definitely makes perfect though
5) My hair is ok w/ glycerin in really small amts in spritzes, which means I have to make my own.
6) I found a new moisturizing spritz that's the ish for me: water, glycerin, and jojoba oil
Me last year

Me now
(Click on the pics to enlarge them)
7) Chlorella has really helped boost my hair growth rate (as well as my overall health and livelihood)
8) About 1 cup of my co-wash conditioner + 1/2 tbsp baking soda = cleansing co-wash
9) I can't wait to try honeyquat. It's said to be even more moisturizing than glycerin
10) Making my own products aka being a mixologist is fun
See my other post to see my account of what I learned 2 months into my natural journey.
You look beautiful!!