Let's talk shrinkage. Now, these are solely my opinions, please keep this in mind and I welcome you to add a comment with any solutions that you may have discovered to address this.
For some it is an annoyance b/c you can't see a lot of your true length. For others, like myself, it can be detrimental to your hair's health and retard maintenance of your length ie. fairy knots and breakage. To offset it, I like to rock hairstyles that stretch out my natural kurl pattern. Not only do I get to then showcase more of my actual length but my hair doesn't dry out nearly as much, and I suffer virtually no tangling, fairy knots, and little breakage. :D
Hairstyles to Combat It:
1) Braid outs: My favorite!
2) Twist outs
3) Rollersets: You can use magnetic rollers, flexi rods, or perm rods (aka cold wave rods0. I plan to try a set with perm rods real soon.
4) Blow dry or hot air brush your hair: if your ok with occasional heat usage, from there you can style however you see fit
5) Banding: I don't care for this one b/c I'm lazy. Lol.
A Note to My TWA's.....
At this point in your hair game, it's going to be virtually hard for you all to avoid shrinkage. At this stage in your hair's length, these are just the breaks. If your hair is long enough to braid or twist it will help some but you just gotta wait till it gets a lil longer for more length and less shrinkage. For the time being, focus on keeping your hair well moisturized and you can use products like gels to help define your kurls.
I went through it and it was a little annoying, frustrating at first but I kept having fun with my hair and what it could do at the moment and when I looked up one day, my hair was longer and I could do more with it. Be patient, the length will come! I got through it and you will too.
Stay naturally fly. :D
Photo credits: HJi
P.S. We have the same name! :) I've never met another female Milan before. Yay us :)
It's time consuming and recquires a lot of small elastics. Lol. You can see vids on how to do it on YouTube. Just type banding natural hair in their search engine.
I am trying to enjoy the moment with my twa, but I gotta admit I am ready to get back my length!
Check out my "Hairstyles: TWA's" tab on here under the Hot Topics section on the left of the page to get some inspiration if you haven't already.