While I was in the Midwest chilling with my family over the Holidays, I didn't have access to my usual supplies. I didn't bring a lot of my hair stuff b/c I just didn't feel like bringing every thing. Well, in that effort, I forgot my shea frosting! Soooo, I had a make a small batch for the duration of my stay.
I used some of my mom's (unrefined) raw shea butter and mixed it with coconut oil and EVOO (mainly more EVOO). Since it was a small amount I was making, I heated the shea butter a lil in the microwave to soften it and then stirred in the oils. To get it to cool down and solidify faster, I put it in the fridge for a bit then stirred it some more. It wasn't creamy enough so I added more EVOO till I got the consistency I desired.
I didn't use exact measurements so just eye ball it. Obviously, you want more shea butter than oil so if it's a liquid after cooling off, just add more shea butter till it gets creamy.
Easy peasy. This is an even simpler recipe for a shea frosting than my original one. (To see my other mixes, click on the "Mixtress Chronicles" tag below) This is a great introduction for the novice mixtress. :D I have one last shea frosting mixture up my sleeves so I'll post on that one once it's been created.
Stay naturally fly!
the olive oil here is on point!