So after the original finger coils post, I decided to do some on my hair. I got inspired by swdmoct06's hairstyle tutorial on YouTube.
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My hair is at this akward length where it doesn't look nice worn (down) in individual styles like twists and coils. Maybe because it's too close to my face and I like big hair? I dunno. My twists and coils aren't voluminous, they just lay flat and really close to my head. I hate it! So these coils only stayed in overnight. Still didn't do my flat twists small enough either b/c they are still fuzzy! Grrr. Or maybe I just need to use (aloe vera) gel to do them to slick them down.

The Coil Out
Click on the pictures for a larger view.
My hair is at this akward length where it doesn't look nice worn (down) in individual styles like twists and coils. Maybe because it's too close to my face and I like big hair? I dunno. My twists and coils aren't voluminous, they just lay flat and really close to my head. I hate it! So these coils only stayed in overnight. Still didn't do my flat twists small enough either b/c they are still fuzzy! Grrr. Or maybe I just need to use (aloe vera) gel to do them to slick them down.
The Coil Out
- I used my shea butter mix to flat twist and coil with.
- I couldn't get my roots tight enough just coiling so I twisted at the root some and then coiled the rest of the hair
- I left them in overnight and still didn't care for them in the morning so I took them out to rock the coil out
- Absolutely luuuuuv how the coil out looked. I may just do coils overnight for the coil out
I don't think it is an awkward moment!!
it is beautiful :)
Au Naturale Belle: I didn't keep track of how long it took me. I don't think it took me more than 2.5 hrs though. Try what I did, try 2 stranding twisting at the root first and then coiling.
I'm going to try them again using aloe vera gel or a pudding I'll whip up.