My father got everyone in the family this book, Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential
I was excited to dig into this book because this year I wanted to take things to the next level and I like reading what people I deem as successful in their own right have to say about attracting and living the life you want. I'm 31 and it's go time; time to shine. I've been there done that on working jobs I couldn't grow and shine in. It's time to really start "living my best life". This book was chock full of messages that God and the Angels had been saying to me for a while. Throughout reading it, I got the messages again and acknowledged them. Rather you're a Christian, another faith or super spiritual like me, there are things that anyone can take away from the book. I really appreciated him encouraging people to mind their outlooks on things. I mean, you can choose to be miserable at your job or be thankful that you even have one while you look for another job or opportunity that honors your goals and desires more. I also love that he talked about your past or your family not defining your journey and success. I finished the book inspired to honor my gifts and passions this year and that if I'm going in the direction of my purposes are, I cannot lose.
Have you read the book? What did you take away from it?
Milan is a New York City based, creative writer and the founder of AGrlCanMAC. She's a self proclaimed accessories junkie who's passionate about healthy living, adventure, books, crystals, the Law of Attraction and arts & crafts. AGrlCanMAC is a resource for women of color all over the world who want to look good, radiate good and feel good at the same damn time.
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