Editor's Note: Good Things to Come

Hi Everyone,

How are you? I hope this finds you all well. I'm coming in here really quickly to say hi and spread some positive energy. I'm so excited for all the awesome things I have up my sleeve for AGrlCanMAC. I'm really stepping into my destiny, owning my destiny and having so much fun along the ride. A lot of good things are in store and I won't show my hand just yet but just know I'm putting in that old fashioned, heart and soul and good work. One of the good things drops next month and I'm really psyched to launch it. I hope you all will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it and putting it into place.

Please check out my e-Book, AGrlCanMAC Presents: Fine Natural Hair, Don't Care: Tips to help natural hair with fine strands and medium to low density thrive, over at Amazon if you haven't already. You don't need a Kindle to read it, just download and use the FREE Kindle reading app. In it, I'm sharing helpful tips for naturals with hair made up of fine strands and is of medium to low density. We have to do some things a little different than our other natural sisters but that's ok once we know what to do! 

Hope you all are having a great week. Thank you, as always, for reading. I do this for me (why lie) and I do this you all too. Let's enjoy life and get our MAC (Mold Anything to Create our reality) on!

Milan is a New York City based, creative writer and the founder of AGrlCanMAC. She's a self proclaimed accessories junkie who's passionate about healthy living, adventure, books, crystals, the Law of Attraction and arts & crafts. AGrlCanMAC is a resource for women of color all over the world who want to look good, radiate good and feel good at the same damn time.

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