Holiday 2015 Travel e-Book Picks

Happy Holidays everyone! The holiday season is upon us and let the traveling to your home town, a warm and tropical location or where ever you are going, begin! When I travel, I love stocking up on e-Books because they don't weigh my bag down like a bunch a physical books would. So if you're like me too, today I am shouting out some great reads you can load up onto your Kindle or [the free] Kindle reader app for those with iPads or other tablets and enjoy en route to your holiday destination. If any of you are members of the Amazon Kindle Unlimited program, some of these books you can read for free.

Quick note. This will more than likely be the last post of the year! We wish you all a safe and Happy Holidays this year and we'll be back in 2016 with some even great things in store. Stay tuned and we send you love, joy and laughter this season and always!

All books shared today have affiliate links- I was not paid to share these books. They are my personal picks that I have read on my own and purchased each with my own money.


Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche
I read this on my 16 hour, yes- 16 hour, plane ride to South Africa last year and it was so good! Chimamanda is a wonderful writer. Though this book has a love story intertwined in it, I enjoyed that is also gave me some insight on the perspective that Africans of direct ancestry to Africa may have/feel when they immigrate to America (and how the first born generation of America may see things).

Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche

I am still reading this book and it's a great novel; very descriptive. Chimamanda humanizes the Biafran civil war in Nigeria during the 1960's through this fictional story sharing the perspectives and experiences of individuals during the time. It brings up themes of love and family, African identity, race, effects of European colonialism, tribalism, war and life overall.

The Coldest Winter Ever by Sistah Soulja
Still one of my favorite books of all my time alive on this earth! Sistah Soulja invites you to New York City when it was gritty and dirtier and into the life of Winter Santiaga. She was a mess but man was her life interesting and full of adventure!


Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson
If you want better quality sleep in your life now or starting in the new year and onward, read this!
Some of you want to start the new year with a new job. This book is a game changer and helpful resource for any professional to have in their personal library. So apparently, this one is not available for immediate download until January 5th. It is still worth getting- maybe this is a sign that you enjoy your holiday break and then read this after you've relaxed!
A mouthful of a title but a wonderfully inspiring book that I re-read very often. I think I'll re-read it while I'm traveling this holiday season!

Finances & Affluence

Live Richer Challenge by Tiffany Aliche
Tiffany Aliche aka The Budgetnista shares how to organize your financial life in 36 days so that you can move forward armed with information and plan to live richer!

This book also slays! It showed me that I didn't have to obtain a million dollar salary, full time job or be a CEO of a company to be a millionaire. Aha!

Law of Attraction/Spirituality

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
You may have heard of this book when it first came out and Rhonda was on Oprah's show. The secret is about the Law of Attraction and how to apply it to your life to live the life you always dream of. It's an easy read and opens us up to the concept that our thoughts have power and shape our experiences. 

The Power by Rhonda Byrne
The power talks about the power of love and how it can shape your life. There seriously is nothing more powerful than love, not even hate is more powerful!

The Magic by Rhonda Byrne
The magic talks about how a lifestyle of gratitude can change and enhance your life more than you ever imagined.

Deliberate Receiving by Melody Fletcher
If you had questions after reading The Secret, this book should answer them! If you want to know what all this Law of Attraction stuff is about, this book will teach you! Melody does a PHENOMENAL job of breaking down what the Law of Attraction is for pretty much anyone to understand and how to apply it to your life.

Holistic Healing & Wellness

Loving What Is by Byron Katie
It just may rock your definition of what love is. It did to me!

Energy Medicine by Donna Eden
I love that the book doesn't condemn western medicine but instead encourages readers to be more conscious of our bodies and utilize various energy tests on ourselves to see if medicines will agree with us, different foods will agree with us and so much more!

Any books you plan on reading over the holidays? Share below!

Milan is a New York City based, creative writer and the founder of AGrlCanMAC. She's a self proclaimed accessories junkie who's passionate about healthy living, adventure, books, crystals, the Law of Attraction and arts & crafts. AGrlCanMAC is a resource for women of color all over the world who want to look good, radiate good and feel good at the same damn time.

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