Move over shower comb! You've been replaced!
This weekend, I went to the BSS around the way and came across this comb. It's called a rake comb. I remember seeing this comb before (back in my relaxed days) but never knew what it could possibly be used for with teeth so long. Maybe about a month or two back, I had seen a Longhairdontcare2011 vid where she used this comb to comb all that lovely (stretched: blow dried) kinky koiliness.
So when I saw the comb this past weekend, I said for 99 cents, let's give it a try.
This comb is an awesome detangler!
Especially you kurlies with super long/big hair. This sucka is goooood.
I was truly amazed how it just smoothly glided through my koils. No "fighting" or extra coaxing necessary. I like it better than my shower comb. I officially do. I luv that the teeth are so long. I think that's why it glides through so well.
I'm sold. Best 99cents I ever spent!
So I always gotta share with you all the run down. You all know by now (to those new, you'll learn how I do!): I condition, wash and style my hair in sections; I condition my hair before I wash it and I now detangle my hair AFTER I've conditioned and washed it (detangling's so much easier for me this way).
So let's go:
1) Misted each section w/ my moisturizing mist (water, aloe vera juice, jojoba oil) and conditioned with coconut oil for 30 mins under a plastic cap
2) Cleansed w/ CSM and followed up w/ an ACV rinse
3) Misted each section again with moisturizing mist, applied Shea Moisture Leave In, and combed it thru with the rake comb. Then I sealed each section with my oil cocktail (evoo, coconut oil, jojoba oil, castor oil) before braiding.
4) I ended up with 4 braids on each side to let air dry overnight for a braid out
That's it. As always, stay naturally fly!
Oh yea, on Wednesday the 200+ Followers Giveaway details!
It is as awesome tool for natural hair.