Drink Your Water

I started slacking on the water department but I'm back in full effect. The first of this month, I went and bought a 32 fl oz, bpa free, water bottle. According to the Mayo Clinic: http://www.mayoclinic.com/, the general rule of thumb is to strive to drink 8 8 fl oz glasses of water daily. So if I drink two of them in a day, I achieve the general goal. I definitely feel a difference when I drink the recommended amount of water as opposed to when I don't. My skin glows and stays clear when I do. So I've got my water bottle and I'm good to go.

Do you drink enough water daily?


okay said…
NO, I don' drink enough water. Especially in the winter when I'm always reaching for a hot drink. THANKS for the reminder! :)
Tiffany said…
I too like to monitor my water and make my intake a priority. I seem to drink more when I use a straw and I like it room temperature. Odd, but u gotta do what works right?
Candice said…
I don't always drink enough water but, recently my body seems to crave it all day. I drink about 6 to 8 glasses a day usually.
Milan said…
Tiffany: ME TOO! Room temp and with a straw, I drink way more water this way.
Anonymous said…
Yes, I drink more than enough water, about 70 to 80 oz a day, or at least 2 1/2 liters. It's not only because I work out, but because I realized the difference in urine color (sorry to be so graphic). I need to get one of those BPA bottles since I recycyle old drinking bottles.