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{Image Source: The Same PG} |
I don't like to use the word busy anymore. In my abundance thinking, "busy" sounds like I don't have time. I want to have time and for time to be on my side so instead I prefer the word, "productive". This infers that I'm aware of how many hours are in each day and I make good use of them. Today's modern woman is just as productive as her mother, grandmothers and great grandmothers were, she just has more technology available at her finger tips to help her stay the course. Here are some cool apps for your iPhone (and in some cases Android) that I think could help a 21st century sista keep her life a little more in check.
Period Planner
We all get asked the same question at the OBGYN's office for our annual checkup: when was your last period? Some of you straight don't record them nor remember exact dates and just throw out an approximate date range. Some of you are like me and log yours every month on your calendar in your phone. I'm a serial documenter so I think this app is cool because you can log your periods, how long they were, symptoms and moods, when you have sex and, if you take any, when you take your birth control. For those that don't regularly document this type of information, this can help you recognize any patterns or fluctuations in your cycle. That can help you identify if everything is all good or if something is off.The app also PREDICTS how long your cycle is, when your next period will be and your fertile days. If you and your partner want to conceive, you may want to get busy around the predicted fertile time
period. If you don't want to conceive, you have a rough idea of when to steer clear of sex (or use more preventative measures). Notice I said PREDICT because nothing is 100% fool proof when it comes to Mother Nature so you must keep that in mind. View it as a helpful guide NOT law. The Period Planner isn't God but it seems helpful and has received great reviews from women and some of their partners too!
I think it could also be great for teen girls to get them better acquainted and comfortable with a big part of their rite of passage into womanhood. We need to be in tune with, curious about and knowledgeable about our bodies instead of ashamed of, apathetic towards or embarrassed by them. I just downloaded this app recently and can't wait to
It's available for iPhone and costs $1.99. If you have an Android, Period Tracker has also been rated pretty good.
Errands To-Do List
I'm the queen of making lists and feel a small high once a task is completed and I can put a check by it and cross it out. A to-do list for the day that every task listed was completed is sheer ecstasy; I don't know how else to describe it. This app is great for the list makers of the world like me and saves ink and trees. You can create different folders to categorize your tasks and I also love that within a task you can create check list. The latter function is perfect for me when it comes to tasks like grocery shopping because I can list that as the task and within that elect for the notes, where I add the items to buy, to be listed in check list form. You can assign tasks with or without due dates and set up reminders. You never had to worry about leaving your lists at home or forgetting them somewhere. This is an awesome free app for list making.It's available for iPhone.
Planner Plus
Remember when people used to have planners? I was so about that planner life; sometimes I miss those days. I used to have a nice leather bound one with my different color tabs, highlighters and pens for color coding and optimal organization. Man, you couldn't tell me NOTHING! My life is still very productive and I joined the dark side of ePlanners recently. I had the Errands To-Do List app, which I talked about earlier) for a long time and while I adore it, I wanted to be able to have my calendar, tasks, lists and notes all in one place (instead of separate apps) so I upgraded to Planner Plus. It links to my iPhone calendar and reminders and lets me add appointments, tasks, lists and notes (with pictures if I want) all in one place. So now when I look at a specific day in the app, all my appointments/events, reminders, tasks and notes are there. Boom. Just like planners from the good ol days did. You can also sync the app across your iPhone, iPad and Mac Book (or iMac). It's been getting yucky reviews lately because the latest IOS 8 update resulted in some hiccups for some and folks are MAD. Before the update, people were singing its praises. I imagine once the kinks are worked out, the angry reviewers will calm down. I waited much later to update my IOS software (waited until IOS 8.0.2 was out before updating) and have no problems with it. It's $8.99 but worth every penny to me, it's one of those paper planners from back in the day that I loved in electronic form. In NY, I spend more than $9 on lunch in one day.
It's available for iPhone (iPad, iMac and Macbooks)
Milan is a New York City based, creative writer and the founder of AGrlCanMAC. She's a self proclaimed accessories junkie who's passionate about healthy living, adventure, books, crystals, the Law of Attraction and arts & crafts. AGrlCanMAC is a resource for women of color all over the world who want to look good, radiate good and feel good at the same damn time.
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