If you've been following my Instagram as of late, you'll see that I'm on an amazing journey discovering how nature truly knows what it's doing and provides us with all the tools and supplies we need to understand and heal ourselves. I'm learning more about my femininity and that it's more than just my exterior parts. I'm learning how to read and take care of my internal feminine systems and cycles and learning to communicate with them and not just ignore them, begrudge them (like periods) or unnecessarily medicate them. Below are some books I want to read and add to my personal library (or someone can gift me with them, if any of my peoples are reading!). I will always be about positivity and good health overall. That's always my main life's theme and desire so my latest book wish list is reflecting me building on that and I'm excited about what I'll learn so that I can share it with you all.
Both are written by the renowned healer, Queen Afua. I had the pleasure of attending her wellness center grand opening two weeks ago. When I tell you her energy was so bright, wow. A truly inspiring woman who really wishes to help heal people and teach them how to heal themselves. I'm excited to get my colon cleansing treatment done at her new center next month. More on that later though!
Taking Charge of Your Fertility: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement, and Reproductive Health
One of the readers left a comment under my Periods & Productivity post and suggested reading this book so I'm going to!
Any new books on your wishlist? Please share.
Milan is a New York City based, creative writer and the founder of AGrlCanMAC. She's a self proclaimed accessories junkie who's passionate about healthy living, adventure, books, crystals, the Law of Attraction and arts & crafts. AGrlCanMAC is a resource for women of color all over the world who want to look good, radiate good and feel good at the same damn time.
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